Thursday, March 28, 2019

An Inspector Calls :: English Literature

An quizzer C onlys is ground in 1912, before the start- gain and flake world war, before the sinking of the Titanic and before wo workforce had some(prenominal) rights.An Inspector CallsAn Inspector Calls is based in 1912, before the first and secondworld war, before the sinking of the Titanic and before women had anyrights. An Inspector Calls was written in 1945, Britain was enduringthe final year of The Second hu troopskind War and the country was united inone community, together they were conflict for Britain.JB Priestley liked what he saw people were putting aside their kinand background and ignored their prejudices in an attempt to helptheir country. The only difficulty was Priestley knew after the war, thatBritain may return to its previous state. Therefore Priestley wrote aplay, based in Edwardian Britain when class mattered and reputationwas everything. Priestley set the play in Brumley, an industrial townwhere, like most places in Britain, the flush and deplorabl e rarely met. Theonly places the two classes became much integrated were the bars whereprostitutes and rich men would meet. But these places were anotherworld, a form of escapism for family men yearning for more excitement,they had double standards and these double standards appear throughoutthe play. The bosh is about the Birling family and their involvementwith a young woman who tragically committed suicide, each member ofthe family had their own input to her downward spiral, and it startedwith Mr Birling.A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and hisown.. and it is with that there is smasher at the door. InspectorGoole enters the Birling household (and in my opinion performing asPriestleys alter-ego), causing unrest amongst some of them and noaffect on others. The mood changes from a happy, celebratoryatmosphere to a tense and confidential one. Maybe this could be shown ina change of lighting, being more intense as apposed to before when thefamily were rejo icing the fact of their daughters engagement. Whenthe inspector begins to interview Mr Birling he refuses to acceptany responsibility for Eva Smiths death, he gives no thought to hisactions and this is obvious as he shows relatively little sorrow orguilt. However, Mr Birling has an honest approach to life, not ashamedby his refusal to give Eva Smith a raise I refused of course, andseems surprised why anyone would query his actions. Money in this erawas a precious thing and all Eva Smith was to Mr Birling was aproblem, which must be rid off immediately, especially since it could

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